Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Dear World

I love imagination. I love to create stories, situations, anything that would never happen in reality. It’s my form of escapism, such as some people enjoy the movies, or books. I sit in my room, staring at my wall, and get lost in my world, sometimes with music, but that so other people can’t hear my whispers. Not all the voices stay in my mind; they have a tendency to slip past my lips. I try to get some of my world on paper, but I either think too fast, or there are too many possibilities to get them all down. Plus there’s a lack of grammar in my writing. Misspelled words, run on sentences, fragments; after a while I give up and go back to staring at my wall.

I write when life gets complicated, which it does often, but what life stays easy? I have a diary, although I don’t write in it. I’m afraid people will look in it. I write poems, but they’re more like shortened thoughts than anything. Sometimes I translate them into different languages so no one I know can read them. My favorite language to translate them in is French; mainly because I can understand a little.

I took three years of that language with a teacher that was older than time itself. She was the cat lady. Before that class, I thought the cat lady was a myth to scare young women into marrying. It’s not; its true and it has taught high school French for all of eternity. She was nice enough, if a bit crabby, but that’s understandable.

I sometimes dream in Spanish, which is weird because the extent of my Spanish is “Donde esta me pantalones de queso?” and I don’t even think that’s correct. I’ve learned Elvish. It was for a project, I was etching a phrase for a friend onto a piece of mirror. I had to learn the entire language; luckily it was in the back of The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R Tolkien-took three days. I even learned The Old Language, which is from the Blackdagger Brotherhood series by J.R. Ward. I do realize that by learning two fictional languages qualifies me as a dork; I have come to accept this and hope to one day learn Parseltongue, a language in which one can speak to snakes, from the Harry Potter series by J. K. Rowling.

I hope to one day research for viruses. I doubt that I need a minor in English to complete this task, but I can see where a couple of English classes might help. I would hate to have a great discovery sound like it came from a five year old. Unfortunately, English class helps one write well, not necessarily speak correctly. I’m sure I have my own language known as “Beckinese.” Not many people understand me, unless one spends quite some time getting to know me. Even then there’s a language barrier.

I wonder what life is going to be like in a few years, with the world ending and all. That should be interesting to watch. My friends and I have a plan to build the ship Serenity from the TV show “Firefly” directed by Joss Whedon. So when the world ends, we shall be prepared. I’m also hoping to learn Chinese, because in the show, the two major powers, the United States and China, combine forming The Alliance. I’m just ranking higher on the dork scale aren’t I? Oh well, “Firefly” is awesome, as is language in general, and it’d be an honor to be considered a dork for it.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. My friend and I learned Elven runes (Tengwar?) back in high school and wrote notes in it all the time. It was my intro to phonetic transcription, which has actually come in handy with Linguistic studies. It's funny: the friend and I found each other and realize that 20 years later, we can still write it. So you might still remember it decades from now!
