Monday, September 21, 2009

Self Evaluation

This is an older poem......

I’m controlling.

I want to know what you’re thinking

What your intentions are,

How you’re going to handle me and my emotions.

I’m intense.

I’m in your face

Demanding your thoughts

Gauging you’re reactions

But if you could get past that,

I could make you the happiest.

I would go to the ends of the ‘Verse for you.

Yes I like Firefly

And some anime,

But I won’t admit the latter to anyone.

I can walk for miles,

But good luck trying to get me to run,

Though I actually enjoy it.

I’m confused most of the time

And my thoughts are always scrambled

But only to you.

They make sense to me.

I’m independent.

I can walk myself,

Not in a straight line

But I don’t need to hold onto your arm.

I like working,

And hate the idea of playing the good housewife,

Although sometimes I think it would be fun.

I’m not a damsel,

But I’m always in distress.

I need you to help me up and brush me off,

Not to keep me from falling.

I like making mistakes.

That’s how I learn

Granted I may screw up a lot,

But I don’t regret it.

I see now that you’re scared.

You’re thinking of ways to get away,

Let me down gently.

I’m not oblivious,

Well, most of the time.

If you let me go, it’s for good.

Because if you can’t handle my spiel

I can guarantee you can’t handle me.

This is how I deal.

I lecture.

It’s the only way to get my feelings out

The only way that makes sense to me.

And if you can’t get that

Then I’ll find someone who can.

And if you still like me after this,

Then show me you like me.

I like boldness.

I want to know for sure you want me.

So kiss me,

Trust me, I won’t mind.

I may tell you about a couple of guys I think are cute,

But that’s to make you jealous.

More than likely I’m not really into them

Or they don’t exist.

I won’t sleep with you until the third month.

My record says otherwise,

But I’m trying to change that.

I love to have fun.

So if you’re planning a date,

Don’t take me to dinner at a restaurant,

Unless they serve burgers and show sports.

Even better, take me skating.

I’m impatient.

I don’t like waiting in lines

Or in traffic.

I don’t want to be touched all the time.

You should be confident enough to let me walk beside you.

Without holding your hand.

I love music.

From Irish folk to Michael Jackson,

From Bluegrass to Billy Idol,

Except for Reggae.

Seriously, that can die.

This is me,

As if you didn’t know.

Take it or leave it,

But don’t leave me guessing,

Because I have a short attention span

And I’ll move on.

I might have a hard time depending on who you are,

But I’ll do it.

I’ll do it with a smile on my face,

And a finger in your general direction.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE this poem!

    And that's saying a lot, because as a general rule I feel out of my element when reading poetry, except for song lyrics. I'm trained, of course, to know what to do with poetry, to analyze it, etc. But responding personally to poetry usually happens to me with song lyrics.

    My favorite lines:
    "I’m not a damsel/But I’m always in distress./I need you to help me up and brush me off,/Not to keep me from falling./I like making mistakes./That’s how I learn/Granted I may screw up a lot,/But I don’t regret it.?

    Also, I just generally like the structure and tone you've chosen. Forthright, honest, even when you have to qualify the bold statements to stay honest ("I won’t sleep with you until the third month./My record says otherwise,/But I’m trying to change that." or "I have a short attention span.")
