Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Art of Writing

Waiting for the muse,

The spark of interest,

The magical thought,

Fusing my incoherencies into one.

Wanting to get this done,

To have it finished,

Out of the way.

The damn paper is giving me a headache,

Not understanding the subject,

Understanding the topic.

As I should be writing the blasted essay,

I’m writing this piece of boredom.

For the muse has yet to visit,

Her grace escaping,

My thoughts wandering.

I still have a few days.

1 comment:

  1. Explore your topic, reflect on it. A reflective essay asks that you recall an event, describe it, describe your expectations going into it, describe some things you learned from the experience, including realizations about what you would have done differently, then explore the greater significance of all those things. Might your experience or realization benefit others in some way?

    The only part of the prompt that claimed to be "like the Consumer Artifact Analysis" were in the areas of formatting: typeface, page length, etc. Don't let that confuse you.
