Sunday, October 25, 2009

Chapter 30 Researching the Web Wisely

Using the internet for research is becoming more and more common, so it’s probably wise to learn how to use it correctly. Though I’ve been using the internet for years, I wasn’t aware that there were “subject directories,” which is basically a general topic. I suppose it’s like a library, browsing the books by genre, then narrowing down the interest to a specific author, and then down again to a book. I didn’t think that could be done. I always had the mentality “If I don’t know what to look up specifically, I had no business being on the internet,” so browsing by subject is a bit mind blowing. The pictures as well helped and put everything in perspective, and that the book used a common search engine such as Google and not some unknown, bizarre, engine made it even more clear to me.

The chart for what websites are generally reliable could be really useful. Being naturally gullible, I have trouble figuring out fact from fiction on the web, and unless it’s something completely outlandish or about a topic I did previous research on, I’ll believe it. Though by experience I have been able to figure out what a reliable website contains, the chart I think will be a good reference in probably the near future.


  1. I am usually suspicious first, critical first, always asking, "Says who?" There are a few sources I consider credible, but the rest I always have to question.

    About searches, one of the most fun things about research is discovering new keywords through reading something, then you search with those keywords and off you go in a new direction.

  2. i am the same way most of the things in the chapter were things that i learned threw experiance and using the web to do all of my research and now i have a few websites that i always use and 99% of the time they have all the info on a subject that i need

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I found your researching theweb very informative. I liked the way you discussed it in a simplified tone, so it was easy to digest. I also like how now its so much easier to research something. It doesn't feel overwhelming to me anymore. I feel like I can find things faster and more efficiently then before.
