Sunday, November 1, 2009

Day of the Dead

Tossing and turning in bed,

With tears streaming down my face,

I can’t help but think about it.

My family is an old one,

And it’s bound to happen.

But going through that pain again,

Knowing another one is lost,

Never to be seen again.

Yes they are still in our hearts,

But what is that worth?

They aren’t here,

And that kills me.

Everyone I have looked up to,

Is gone or going.

It won’t be long until the siblings are left.

To see all the elders age,

Slip away,

Decompose before our eyes,

It tortures me.

There’s nothing that can be done,

And for that I hate the world.

To be so helpless,

Not being able to save,

But just being there in their final moments,

Until the very last breath is taken,

And their spirit slips away,

Leaving behind a sack of bones that look nothing like the owner.

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