Sunday, October 25, 2009

Chapter 30 Researching the Web Wisely

Using the internet for research is becoming more and more common, so it’s probably wise to learn how to use it correctly. Though I’ve been using the internet for years, I wasn’t aware that there were “subject directories,” which is basically a general topic. I suppose it’s like a library, browsing the books by genre, then narrowing down the interest to a specific author, and then down again to a book. I didn’t think that could be done. I always had the mentality “If I don’t know what to look up specifically, I had no business being on the internet,” so browsing by subject is a bit mind blowing. The pictures as well helped and put everything in perspective, and that the book used a common search engine such as Google and not some unknown, bizarre, engine made it even more clear to me.

The chart for what websites are generally reliable could be really useful. Being naturally gullible, I have trouble figuring out fact from fiction on the web, and unless it’s something completely outlandish or about a topic I did previous research on, I’ll believe it. Though by experience I have been able to figure out what a reliable website contains, the chart I think will be a good reference in probably the near future.

Chapter 28 Developing a Search Strategy

I had no idea there were specific ways to do research. I always thought it was a frenzied scramble for information. The Questioning Method-beginning with a broad question, and then by answering sub-questions, narrowing the topic- and the Chaining Method-having a general topic, then by doing some research narrowing the topic- were ones that I normally do, and find most useful.

The types of research were very interesting. I personally, am not a fan of surveying. The questions seem tedious and unreliable for I feel that, in my experience, people lie and only do what’ll give them a good laugh at the end of the day. Observing, also seems unreliable unless it’s done for a while, like over a period of weeks or months. If I observed a playground for one day, and found a child’s behavior interesting, it could be that the child could be in a mood at that particular time or some other factor had changed the child’s usual behavior for that one day. Interviewing I feel depends on the person being interviewed. Due to memory loss, short attention spans, the answers are sometimes faulty, but that is once again, in my experience. The note taking example however seemed like a good idea, though I never would have thought to put the person’s actions with the things being said. With this paper in mind, I don’t think it’s of any consequence whether the person I interview, if I interview, taps his or her fingers, but I can see when interviewing for something more professional, it could be useful.

I had experience with the types of bibliographies, although I was unaware that there were other documentation styles other than MLA and APA and whatever one used depends on the subject matter. I wonder how they all differ, and why the difference? Why not one general style? And why were most students taught MLA format but not the others? Isn’t it important to learn the other types of documentation styles? The teachers of middle school and high school don’t expect their students to know what their career is going to be, so shouldn’t they teach all styles to prepare the students for all majors?

Friday, October 23, 2009


I remember why I fell in love.

The autumn leaves lining the road,

The cool breeze,

The sun.

I look around at the familiar places,

Wanting to stay forever,

But knowing that could never be.

I know that I need to leave,

For it is changing quickly.

If my love were to stay,

I would need to live with the memories,

Not the reality.

My family greets me warmly,

But the house feels foreign.

I belong with them,

But not like before.

The clean floors,

The polished furniture,

Much like the new buildings,

And newly paved roads,

Are not what I remember.

I remember the beat up businesses,

Shoes and dust lining the floor and crevices,

I fell in love.

Though I still am in love,

It is with the past.

And I remember why I left.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

To Both My Margarets

You both are mighty and strong

With different weapons,

You conquer the foe.

One with the blade,

The other with a mothers force.

You both have a will of iron,

With kindness and understanding

You guide me to the right path.

With wisdom and knowledge

You explain the reasons why.

Warriors and teachers

Making sure I don’t screw up.

I owe you both so much,

Allowing me the freedom of choice,

But giving me the consequence of each.

I love you both,

Without you I wouldn’t have made it.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

God I Need a Life

Your perfect curves astound me.

Your rosy tinge,

Your sweet smell,

My mouth waters at the thought.

Your sweet juices,

You’re dripping goodness,

Your fair skin

Oh apple how I adore you.

It’s a shame you don’t last.

Even though you get stuck in my retainers,

I will devour what I can of you.

Oh apple I love you.